Lost in dark despair.

2 min readJun 10, 2023


Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash

In the depths of my soul, despair takes hold,
A symphony of darkness, so bleak and cold.
The light at the end, an illusion, it seems,
For I am lost in this tunnel of shattered dreams.

False promises dance, like whispers of lies,
Flickering hope, slowly withering, it dies.
Each breath I take, tainted with desperation,
As the tunnel caves in, my only salvation.

Heavy is the burden, that darkness imparts,
A cloak of shadows that envelops my heart.
Dampness seeps through, my spirit grows weary,
In this desolate tunnel, bleak and dreary.

Why should I endure, in a life so forlorn,
Where hopelessness thrives, where joy is unborn?
This world, a cruel canvas, not meant for my kind,
With fear as my companion, no solace to find.

Deep-seated fears, they gnaw at my core,
Unyielding, unrelenting, forevermore.
I'm a prisoner of dread, trapped in my mind,
Bound by invisible chains, cruelly confined.

What purpose remains, as I journey along,
If everything I love, I am destined to wrong?
My existence a specter, devoid of all light,
In this realm of shadows, where dreams take flight.

So I wander, lost, in this ominous haze,
Seeking release from this desolate maze.
For hope has abandoned me, left me to roam,
In the dark valleys of despair, I am but a lone.




“We cannot change what happened. That is the tragic part. But we can change how we relate to it” — Eva Mozes Kor (Mengele Twin/Holocaust Survivor)