The magic of late-night conversations

2 min readNov 27, 2021
Photo by Korney Violin on Unsplash

I realized the pleasure of a late-night conversation, where words take a life of their own, a long time ago when I was talking to you. When you release them out of your system, you feel weightless. Maybe it is the darkness that helps us get rid of those boundaries we clutch so close to our chests all day long. You see, after midnight, there is an absence of light and people. A part of you feels like you’re rebelling by staying up while the whole world has fallen asleep. There’s an excitement in staying up into the night and when you have someone to share this feeling with, it becomes even better. Moreover, the darkness helps you put your guard down. You spend the whole day putting up a brave act of having your shit together. You dream and then you tuck those dreams away because the daylight illuminates the reality. Isn’t that how we all live, in a big facade, pretending things are going okay for us? But after midnight, you can finally let that act end because no one’s watching. Thanks to that conversation, I discovered that the person who almost, always seemed to have it all was a sum of their fears and anxieties, just like me.

The childhood stories that built us, and the passions that drive us forward. Every time you mention a common interest, I light up. And to know that someone out there, even if it is just one person, understands your thought process is a lovely kind of knowledge, isn’t it? There are always layers in a person’s personality and such conversations bring those layers out. I would have never discovered all those layers in you if we didn’t talk our hearts out at night. From endless banter to heartache, those conversations of ours have seen it all.




“We cannot change what happened. That is the tragic part. But we can change how we relate to it” — Eva Mozes Kor (Mengele Twin/Holocaust Survivor)